Package org.loboevolution.apache.xml.utils

package org.loboevolution.apache.xml.utils

Implementation of Xalan utility classes. This package is also shared by XPath. There *should* be no outward dependencies to XPath or Xalan by classes in this package.

  • Class
    Implement SAX error handler for default reporting.
    A very simple table that stores a list of Nodes.
    A very simple table that stores a list of objects.
    The class that implements this interface can resolve prefixes to namespaces.
    This class implements a generic PrefixResolver that can be used to perform prefix-to-namespace lookup for the XPath object.
    A very simple table that stores a list of int.
    This class is for throwing important checked exceptions over non-checked methods.
    Class used to verify whether the specified ch conforms to the XML 1.0 definition of whitespace.