Package org.loboevolution.apache.xpath.operations

package org.loboevolution.apache.xpath.operations

Support for XPath operations, such as +, -, string(), etc.

  • Classes
    The 'and' operation expression executor.
    The 'boolean()' operation expression executer.
    The 'div' operation expression executer.
    The '=' operation expression executer.
    The '>' operation expression executor.
    The '>=' operation expression executor.
    The '<' operation expression executor.
    The '<=' operation expression executor.
    The binary '-' operation expression executer.
    The 'mod' operation expression executer.
    The '*' operation expression executer.
    The unary '-' operation expression executer.
    The '!
    The 'number()' operation expression executer.
    The baseclass for a binary operation.
    The 'or' operation expression executer.
    The '+' operation expression executer.
    The 'string()' operation expression executer.
    The unary operation base class.