Interface NotificationEvent
- All Superinterfaces:
The parameter passed into the onnotificationclick handler, the NotificationEvent interface represents
a notification click event that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker.
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionaction()
Returns the string ID of the notification button the user clicked.The notification read-only property of the NotificationEvent interface returns the instance of the Notification that was clicked to fire the event.Methods inherited from interface
getBubbles, getCancelable, getComposed, getComposedPath, getCurrentTarget, getDefaultPrevented, getEventPhase, getReturnValue, getSrcElement, getStopImmediatePropagation, getStopPropagation, getTarget, getTimeStamp, getTrusted, getType, initEvent, initEvent, initEvent, preventDefault
Method Details
String action()Returns the string ID of the notification button the user clicked. This value returns an empty string if the user clicked the notification somewhere other than an action button, or the notification does not have a button. The notification id is set during the creation of the Notification via the actions array attribute and can't be modified unless the notification is replaced.- See Also:
Object notification()The notification read-only property of the NotificationEvent interface returns the instance of the Notification that was clicked to fire the event. The Notification provides read-only access to many properties that were set at the instantiation time of the Notification such as tag and data attributes that allow you to store information for defered use in the notificationclick event.- See Also: