Package org.loboevolution.img
package org.loboevolution.img
ClassDescriptionA default status bar implementation that displays the current mouse position (in pixel coordinates) and the colour of the pixel under the cursor.The default popup menu for image viewers.Interface for receiving mouse click events on an image.An event indicating that a mouse action occured over an image.Interface for receiving mouse motion events on an image.A component for displaying a series of images.A general purpose image viewer component.Utility methods for image viewers.A component showing an image as well as an arbitrary number of overlays.Helper class that generates ImageMouseEvents by translating normal mouse events onto the image.An overlay is a layer on top of an image.The JComponent implementing an overlay.OverlayLayout class.Helper class that manages the actual painting.A status bar implementation that display information based on a pixel of the image.An overlay for marking pixels of the image.Stores the x and y coordinate of a pixel.Strategy for resizing an image inside a component.ScrollableLayeredPane class.Abstract superclass for status bars of the image viewer.