Package org.loboevolution.js
package org.loboevolution.js
ClassDescriptionAbstract AbstractScriptableDelegate class.The design of DOMParser, as a class that needs to be constructed and then have its parseFromString() method called, is an unfortunate historical artifact.JavaClassWrapper class.JavaClassWrapperFactory class.JavaConstructorObject class.JavaFunctionObject class.JavaInstantiator interface.JavaObjectWrapper class.JavaScript class.LoboContextFactory class.The location (URL) of the object it is linked to.MessageEventSource interface.The state and the identity of the user agent.A screen, usually the one on which the current window is being rendered, and is obtained using window.screen.Java classes used in Javascript should implement this interface.A window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window.WindowBase64 interface.WindowEventHandlers interface.WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope interface.WindowProxy interface.WindowTimers interface.