Class PDFParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Runnable, Watchable

public class PDFParser extends BaseWatchable
PDFParser is the class that parses a PDF content stream and produces PDFCmds for a PDFPage. You should never ever see it run: it gets created by a PDFPage only if needed, and may even run in its own thread.

Author Mike Wessler

  • Constructor Details

    • PDFParser

      public PDFParser(PDFPage cmds, byte[] stream, Map<String,PDFObject> resources)
      Don't call this constructor directly. Instead, use PDFFile.getPage(int pagenum) to get a PDFPage. There should never be any reason for a user to create, access, or hold on to a PDFParser.
      cmds - a PDFPage object.
      stream - an array of
      invalid reference
      resources - a Map object.
  • Method Details

    • setup

      public void setup()
      Prepare for a set of iterations. Called before the first iterate() call in a sequence. Subclasses should extend this method if they need to do anything to setup.

      Called to prepare for some iterations

      setup in class BaseWatchable
    • iterate

      public int iterate() throws Exception
      Perform a single iteration of this watchable. This is the minimum granularity which the go() commands operate over.

      parse the stream. commands are added to the PDFPage initialized in the constructor as they are encountered.

      Page numbers in comments refer to the Adobe PDF specification.
      commands are listed in PDF spec 32000-1:2008 in Table A.1

      Specified by:
      iterate in class BaseWatchable
      one of three values:
      • Watchable.RUNNING if there is still data to be processed
      • Watchable.NEEDS_DATA if there is no data to be processed but the execution is not yet complete
      • Watchable.COMPLETED if the execution is complete
      Exception - if any.
    • cleanup

      public void cleanup()
      Clean up after a set of iterations. Called after iteration has stopped due to completion, manual stopping, or error.

      Cleanup when iteration is done

      cleanup in class BaseWatchable
    • setStatus

      protected void setStatus(int status)
      Set the status of this watchable
      setStatus in class BaseWatchable
      status - a Integer object.