Package org.loboevolution.pdfview.action

package org.loboevolution.pdfview.action
  • Classes
    CloseOutlineAction class.
    FitAction class.
    FitHeightAction class.
    An action which specifies going to a particular destination
    ************************************************************************** Action directing to a location within an embedded PDF document
    Inner class for holding the target dictionary's information
    ************************************************************************** Action directing to a location within another PDF document
    ************************************************************************** Action for launching an application, mostly used to open a file.
    Inner class for storing a file specification
    Internal class for the windows specific launch parameters
    OutlineAction class.
    The common super-class of all PDF actions.
    ************************************************************************** Utility class for parsing values from a PDFObject
    PrintAction class.
    PrintSetupAction class.
    The Class ThumbAction.
    ************************************************************************** URI action, containing a web link
    ZoomInAction class.
    ZoomOutAction class.