Package org.loboevolution.pdfview.colorspace

package org.loboevolution.pdfview.colorspace
  • Classes
    ************************************************************************** Color Space implementation for handling the PDF AlternateColorSpace.
    A color space that uses another color space to return values, and a function to map between values in the input and input values to the alternate color space
    A ColorSpace for calibrated gray
    A ColorSpace for calibrated RGB
    A ColorSpace for the CMYK color space.
    A PDFColorSpace for an IndexedColor model
    A ColorSpace for Lab color
    A color space used to implement masks.
    A PatternSpace fills with a pattern, the name of which is specified in the call to getPaint().
    A color space that can convert a set of color components into PDFPaint.
    A ColorSpace for the YCCK color space.