Package org.loboevolution.pdfview.decode

package org.loboevolution.pdfview.decode
  • Classes
    decode ASCII85 text into a byte array.
    decode an array of hex nybbles into a byte array
    CCITTFaxDecode class.
    decode a DCT encoded array into a byte array.
    decode a deFlated byte array
    ************************************************************************** Decode image data to a usable color space.
    ************************************************************************** Decoder for jbig2 images within PDFs.
    decode a JPX encoded imagestream into a byte array.
    decode an LZW-encoded array of bytes.
    A PDF Decoder encapsulates all the methods of decoding a stream of bytes based on all the various encoding methods.
    Undo prediction based on the PNG algorithm.
    The abstract superclass of various predictor objects that undo well-known prediction algorithms.
    decode an array of Run Length encoded bytes into a byte array
    Undo prediction based on the TIFF Predictor 2 algorithm