Class Interpreter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class Interpreter extends Object implements Evaluator
  • Constructor Details

    • Interpreter

      public Interpreter()
  • Method Details

    • compile

      public Object compile(CompilerEnvirons compilerEnv, ScriptNode tree, String rawSource, boolean returnFunction)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Compile the script or function from intermediate representation tree into an executable form.
      Specified by:
      compile in interface Evaluator
      compilerEnv - Compiler environment
      tree - parse tree
      rawSource - the source code
      returnFunction - if true, compiling a function
      an opaque object that can be passed to either createFunctionObject or createScriptObject, depending on the value of returnFunction
    • createScriptObject

      public Script createScriptObject(Object bytecode, Object staticSecurityDomain)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Create a script object.
      Specified by:
      createScriptObject in interface Evaluator
      bytecode - opaque object returned by compile
      staticSecurityDomain - security domain
      Script object that can be evaluated
    • setEvalScriptFlag

      public void setEvalScriptFlag(Script script)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Mark the given script to indicate it was created by a call to eval() or to a Function constructor.
      Specified by:
      setEvalScriptFlag in interface Evaluator
      script - script to mark as from eval
    • createFunctionObject

      public Function createFunctionObject(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object bytecode, Object staticSecurityDomain)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Create a function object.
      Specified by:
      createFunctionObject in interface Evaluator
      cx - Current context
      scope - scope of the function
      bytecode - opaque object returned by compile
      staticSecurityDomain - security domain
      Function object that can be called
    • captureStackInfo

      public void captureStackInfo(RhinoException ex)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Capture stack information from the given exception.
      Specified by:
      captureStackInfo in interface Evaluator
      ex - an exception thrown during execution
    • getSourcePositionFromStack

      public String getSourcePositionFromStack(Context cx, int[] linep)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Get the source position information by examining the stack.
      Specified by:
      getSourcePositionFromStack in interface Evaluator
      cx - Context
      linep - Array object of length >= 1; getSourcePositionFromStack will assign the line number to linep[0].
      the name of the file or other source container
    • getPatchedStack

      public String getPatchedStack(RhinoException ex, String nativeStackTrace)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Given a native stack trace, patch it with script-specific source and line information
      Specified by:
      getPatchedStack in interface Evaluator
      ex - exception
      nativeStackTrace - the native stack trace
      patched stack trace
    • getScriptStack

      public List<String> getScriptStack(RhinoException ex)
      Description copied from interface: Evaluator
      Get the script stack for the given exception
      Specified by:
      getScriptStack in interface Evaluator
      ex - exception from execution
      list of strings for the stack trace
    • getScriptStackElements

      public ScriptStackElement[][] getScriptStackElements(RhinoException ex)
    • resumeGenerator

      public static Object resumeGenerator(Context cx, Scriptable scope, int operation, Object savedState, Object value)
    • restartContinuation

      public static Object restartContinuation(NativeContinuation c, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object[] args)
    • captureContinuation

      public static NativeContinuation captureContinuation(Context cx)