Class VMBridge

Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class VMBridge extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • VMBridge

      public VMBridge()
  • Method Details

    • getThreadContextHelper

      protected abstract Object getThreadContextHelper()
      Return a helper object to optimize Context access.

      The runtime will pass the resulting helper object to the subsequent calls to getContext(Object contextHelper) and setContext(Object contextHelper, Context cx) methods. In this way the implementation can use the helper to cache information about current thread to make Context access faster.

    • getContext

      protected abstract Context getContext(Object contextHelper)
      Get Context instance associated with the current thread or null if none.
      contextHelper - The result of getThreadContextHelper() called from the current thread.
    • setContext

      protected abstract void setContext(Object contextHelper, Context cx)
      Associate Context instance with the current thread or remove the current association if cx is null.
      contextHelper - The result of getThreadContextHelper() called from the current thread.
    • tryToMakeAccessible

      protected abstract boolean tryToMakeAccessible(AccessibleObject accessible)
      In many JVMSs, public methods in private classes are not accessible by default (Sun Bug #4071593). VMBridge instance should try to workaround that via, for example, calling method.setAccessible(true) when it is available. The implementation is responsible to catch all possible exceptions like SecurityException if the workaround is not available.
      true if it was possible to make method accessible or false otherwise.
    • getInterfaceProxyHelper

      protected abstract Object getInterfaceProxyHelper(ContextFactory cf, Class<?>[] interfaces)
      Create helper object to create later proxies implementing the specified interfaces later. Under JDK 1.3 the implementation can look like:
       return java.lang.reflect.Proxy.getProxyClass(..., interfaces).
           getConstructor(new Class[] {
               java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler.class });
      interfaces - Array with one or more interface class objects.
    • newInterfaceProxy

      protected abstract Object newInterfaceProxy(Object proxyHelper, ContextFactory cf, InterfaceAdapter adapter, Object target, Scriptable topScope)
      Create proxy object for InterfaceAdapter. The proxy should call InterfaceAdapter.invoke(ContextFactory, Object, Scriptable, Object, Method, Object[]) as implementation of interface methods associated with proxyHelper. Method
      proxyHelper - The result of the previous call to getInterfaceProxyHelper(ContextFactory, Class[]).