Sponsors Github

Our goal is to develop from scratch a web browser written in java and compatible with all operating systems from Windows, to Linunx, Mac and Android.

Why a Pure Java Browser?

There are a number of advantages to be derived from a browser that is written in Java as opposed to a language compiled into native code, namely:

Security In principle, a Java program is less suceptible to certain types of vulnerabilities such as a buffer overflow attack. Java's security model can also allow web content to have access to a complex set of APIs, except in a controlled sandbox.

Extensibility A Java-based application can be extended via powerful cross-platform plugins. Consider the difference this has made for Java software such as jEdit and Eclipse.

New paradigms With the help of Java we can implement new powerful cross-platform and secure mechanisms to represent web content.

Portability This is the obvious advantage of a pure Java application.

A lot of work is done and simple sites work well, but there is still work to be done. There are five main areas for improvement to be done:

Write Uni Test Test with complex site Imporve support for CSS 3 and CSS 4 Improve support for Javascript Improve support for Html5 Our economic goal is 100 Euro / month. This is sufficient to sustain the develop and offer small rewards to open source developers who want to try developing the new features

Github Sponsors