Class DTMDefaultBaseIterators

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class DTMDefaultBaseIterators extends DTMDefaultBaseTraversers
This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.
  • Constructor Details

    • DTMDefaultBaseIterators

      public DTMDefaultBaseIterators(DTMManager mgr, Source source, int dtmIdentity, boolean doIndexing)
      Construct a DTMDefaultBaseTraversers object from a DOM node.
      mgr - The DTMManager who owns this DTM.
      source - The object that is used to specify the construction source.
      dtmIdentity - The DTM identity ID for this DTM.
      doIndexing - true if the caller considers it worth it to use indexing schemes.
  • Method Details

    • getAxisIterator

      public DTMAxisIterator getAxisIterator(int axis)
      This is a shortcut to the iterators that implement XPath axes. Returns a bare-bones iterator that must be initialized with a start node (using iterator.setStartNode()).
      axis - One of Axes.ANCESTORORSELF, etc.
      A DTMAxisIterator, or null if the givin axis isn't supported.