Package org.loboevolution.apache.xml.dtm.ref
package org.loboevolution.apache.xml.dtm.ref
ClassDescriptionThis class serves as a default base for implementations of mutable DTMAxisIterators.
gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator.TheDTMDefaultBase
class serves as a helper base for DTMs.This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.Abstract superclass defining behaviors shared by all DTMDefault's internal implementations of DTMAxisIterator.This class implements the traversers for DTMDefaultBase.The default implementation for the DTMManager.DTMNamedNodeMap is a quickie (as opposed to quick) implementation of the DOM's NamedNodeMap interface, intended to support DTMProxy's getAttributes() call.Simple implementation of DOMException.DTMNodeIterator
gives us an implementation of the DTMNodeIterator which returns DOM nodes.DTMNodeList
gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator.DTMNodeList
gives us an implementation of the DOM's NodeList interface wrapped around a DTM Iterator.DTMNodeProxy
presents a DOM Node API front-end to the DTM model.This is a default implementation of a table that manages mappings from expanded names to expandedNameIDs.The class ExtendedType represents an extended type object used by ExpandedNameTable.