Class OneStepIteratorForward

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, SourceLocator, DTMIterator, PathComponent, SubContextList, ExpressionNode, XPathVisitable

public class OneStepIteratorForward extends ChildTestIterator
This class implements a general iterator for those LocationSteps with only one step, and perhaps a predicate, that only go forward (i.e. it can not be used with ancestors, preceding, etc.)
  • Field Details

    • m_axis

      protected int m_axis
      The traversal axis from where the nodes will be filtered.
  • Method Details

    • setRoot

      public void setRoot(int context, Object environment)
      Reset the root node of the DTMIterator, overriding the value specified when it was created. Note the root node is not the root node of the document tree, but the context node from where the iteration begins.
      Specified by:
      setRoot in interface DTMIterator
      setRoot in class ChildTestIterator
      context - int Handle of the context node.
      environment - The environment object. The environment in which this iterator operates, which should provide:

      a node (the context node... same value as "root" defined below)

      a pair of non-zero positive integers (the context position and the context size)

      a set of variable bindings

      a function library

      the set of namespace declarations in scope for the expression.

      At this time the exact implementation of this environment is application dependent. Probably a proper interface will be created fairly soon.

    • getNextNode

      protected int getNextNode()
      Get the next node via getNextXXX. Bottlenecked for derived class override.
      getNextNode in class ChildTestIterator
      The next node on the axis, or DTM.NULL.
    • getAxis

      public int getAxis()
      Returns the axis being iterated, if it is known.
      Specified by:
      getAxis in interface DTMIterator
      getAxis in class ChildTestIterator
      Axis.CHILD, etc., or -1 if the axis is not known or is of multiple types.
    • deepEquals

      public boolean deepEquals(Expression expr)
      Compare this object with another object and see if they are equal, include the sub heararchy.
      deepEquals in class PredicatedNodeTest
      expr - Another expression object.
      true if this objects class and the expr object's class are the same, and the data contained within both objects are considered equal.