Interface ExpressionNode

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
And, AttributeIterator, AxesWalker, BasicTestIterator, Bool, ChildIterator, ChildTestIterator, ContextMatchStepPattern, DescendantIterator, Div, Equals, Expression, FilterExprWalker, FuncBoolean, FuncCeiling, FuncConcat, FuncContains, FuncCount, FuncFalse, FuncFloor, FuncId, FuncLang, FuncLast, FuncLocalPart, FuncNamespace, FuncNormalizeSpace, FuncNot, FuncNumber, FuncPosition, FuncQname, FuncRound, FuncStartsWith, FuncString, FuncStringLength, FuncSubstring, FuncSubstringAfter, FuncSubstringBefore, FuncSum, Function, Function2Args, Function3Args, FunctionDef1Arg, FunctionMultiArgs, FunctionOneArg, FunctionPattern, FuncTranslate, FuncTrue, Gt, Gte, LocPathIterator, Lt, Lte, Minus, Mod, Mult, Neg, NodeSequence, NodeTest, NotEquals, Number, OneStepIterator, OneStepIteratorForward, Operation, Or, Plus, PredicatedNodeTest, ReverseAxesWalker, SelfIteratorNoPredicate, StepPattern, String, UnaryOperation, UnionChildIterator, UnionPathIterator, UnionPattern, WalkingIterator, WalkingIteratorSorted, XBoolean, XBooleanStatic, XNodeSet, XNumber, XObject, XString

public interface ExpressionNode extends SourceLocator
A class that implements this interface can construct expressions, give information about child and parent expressions, and give the originating source information. A class that implements this interface does not lay any claim to being directly executable.

Note: This interface should not be considered stable. Only exprSetParent and exprGetParent can be counted on to work reliably. Work in progress.

  • Method Details

    • exprSetParent

      void exprSetParent(ExpressionNode n)
      This pair of methods are used to inform the node of its parent.
    • exprGetParent

      ExpressionNode exprGetParent()