Class SelfIteratorNoPredicate

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, SourceLocator, DTMIterator, PathComponent, SubContextList, ExpressionNode, XPathVisitable

public class SelfIteratorNoPredicate extends LocPathIterator
This class implements an optimized iterator for "." patterns, that is, the self axes without any predicates.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • nextNode

      public int nextNode()
      Returns the next node in the set and advances the position of the iterator in the set. After a DTMIterator has setRoot called, the first call to nextNode() returns that root or (if it is rejected by the filters) the first node within its subtree which is not filtered out.
      Specified by:
      nextNode in interface DTMIterator
      Specified by:
      nextNode in class LocPathIterator
      The next node handle in the set being iterated over, or DTM.NULL if there are no more members in that set.
    • asNode

      public int asNode(XPathContext xctxt)
      Return the first node out of the nodeset, if this expression is a nodeset expression.
      asNode in class LocPathIterator
      xctxt - The XPath runtime context.
      the first node out of the nodeset, or DTM.NULL.
    • getLastPos

      public int getLastPos(XPathContext xctxt)
      Get the number of nodes in the node list, which, in the XSLT 1 based counting system, is the last index position.
      Specified by:
      getLastPos in interface SubContextList
      getLastPos in class LocPathIterator
      xctxt - The XPath runtime context.
      the number of nodes in the node list.