Class FuncSubstring

All Implemented Interfaces:
SourceLocator, ExpressionNode, XPathVisitable

public class FuncSubstring extends Function3Args
Execute the Substring() function.
  • Constructor Details

    • FuncSubstring

      public FuncSubstring()
  • Method Details

    • execute

      public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt) throws TransformerException
      Execute an expression in the XPath runtime context, and return the result of the expression.
      execute in class Function
      xctxt - The XPath runtime context.
      The result of the expression in the form of a XObject.
      TransformerException - if a runtime exception occurs.
    • checkNumberArgs

      public void checkNumberArgs(int argNum) throws WrongNumberArgsException
      Check that the number of arguments passed to this function is correct. This method is meant to be overloaded by derived classes, to check for the number of arguments for a specific function type. This method is called by the compiler for static number of arguments checking.
      checkNumberArgs in class Function3Args
      argNum - The number of arguments that is being passed to the function.
      WrongNumberArgsException - if any
    • reportWrongNumberArgs

      protected void reportWrongNumberArgs() throws WrongNumberArgsException
      Constructs and throws a WrongNumberArgException with the appropriate message for this function object. This method is meant to be overloaded by derived classes so that the message will be as specific as possible.
      reportWrongNumberArgs in class Function3Args
      WrongNumberArgsException - if any