Class HtmlPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, FrameContext

public class HtmlPanel extends JComponent implements FrameContext
The HtmlPanel class is a Swing component that can render a HTML DOM. It uses either HtmlBlockPanel internally, depending on whether the document is determined to be a FRAMESET or not.

Invoke method setDocument(Document, HtmlRendererContext) in order to schedule a document for rendering.

See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • HtmlPanel

      public HtmlPanel()
      Constructs an HtmlPanel.
  • Method Details

    • addSelectionChangeListener

      public void addSelectionChangeListener(SelectionChangeListener listener)
      Adds listener of selection changes. Note that it does not have any effect on FRAMESETs.
      listener - An instance of SelectionChangeListener.
    • copy

      public boolean copy()
      Copies the current selection, if any, into the clipboard. This method has no effect in FRAMESETs at the moment.
      a boolean.
    • createHtmlBlockPanel

      protected HtmlBlockPanel createHtmlBlockPanel(UserAgentContext ucontext, HtmlRendererContext rcontext)
      Method invoked internally to create a HtmlBlockPanel. It is made available so it can be overridden.
      ucontext - a UserAgentContext object.
      rcontext - a HtmlRendererContext object.
      a HtmlBlockPanel object.
    • delayedRelayout

      public void delayedRelayout(NodeImpl node)


      Invalidates the layout of the given node and schedules it to be layed out later. Multiple invalidations may be processed in a single document layout.
      Specified by:
      delayedRelayout in interface FrameContext
      node - a NodeImpl object.
    • expandSelection

      public void expandSelection(RenderableSpot rpoint)


      Internal method used to expand the selection to the given point.

      Note: This method should be invoked in the GUI thread.

      Specified by:
      expandSelection in interface FrameContext
      rpoint - a RenderableSpot object.
    • getBlockRenderable

      public BoundableRenderable getBlockRenderable()
      Gets the root Renderable of the HTML block. It returns null for FRAMESETs.
      a BoundableRenderable object.
    • getSelectionNode

      public Node getSelectionNode()
      Gets a DOM node enclosing the selection. The node returned should be the inner-most node that encloses both selection start and end points. Note that the selection end point may be just outside of the selection.

      Note: This method should be invoked in the GUI thread.

      A node enclosing the current selection, or null if there is no such node. It also returns null for FRAMESETs.
    • getSelectionText

      public String getSelectionText()
      Gets the selection text.

      Note: This method should be invoked in the GUI thread.

      a String object.
    • hasSelection

      public boolean hasSelection()
      Returns true only if the current block has a selection. This method has no effect in FRAMESETs at the moment.
      a boolean.
    • removeSelectionChangeListener

      public void removeSelectionChangeListener(SelectionChangeListener listener)
      Removes a listener of selection changes that was previously added.
      listener - a SelectionChangeListener object.
    • resetSelection

      public void resetSelection(RenderableSpot rpoint)


      Internal method used to reset the selection so that it is empty at the given point. This is what is called when the user clicks on a point in the document.

      Note: This method should be invoked in the GUI thread.

      Specified by:
      resetSelection in interface FrameContext
      rpoint - a RenderableSpot object.
    • scroll

      public void scroll(double x, double y)
      Scrolls the document such that x and y coordinates are placed in the upper-left corner of the panel.

      This method may be called outside of the GUI Thread.

      x - The x coordinate.
      y - The y coordinate.
    • scrollBy

      public void scrollBy(double x, double y)


      x - a Double object.
      y - a Double object.
    • scrollTo

      public void scrollTo(Node node)
      Scrolls the body area to the node given, if it is part of the current document.

      This method should be called from the GUI thread.

      node - A DOM node.
    • scrollTo

      public void scrollTo(Rectangle bounds, boolean xIfNeeded, boolean yIfNeeded)
      If the current document is not a FRAMESET, this method scrolls the body area to the given location.

      This method should be called from the GUI thread.

      bounds - The bounds in the scrollable block area that should become visible.
      xIfNeeded - If this parameter is true, scrolling will only occur if the requested bounds are not currently visible horizontally.
      yIfNeeded - If this parameter is true, scrolling will only occur if the requested bounds are not currently visible vertically.
    • scrollToElement

      public void scrollToElement(String nameOrId)
      Scrolls to the element identified by the given ID in the current document.

      If this method is invoked outside the GUI thread, the operation is scheduled to be performed as soon as possible in the GUI thread.

      nameOrId - The name or ID of the element in the document.
    • setDefaultOverflowX

      public void setDefaultOverflowX(int overflow)
      Sets the default horizontal overflow.

      This method has no effect on FRAMESETs.

      overflow - See RenderState.
    • setDefaultOverflowY

      public void setDefaultOverflowY(int overflow)
      Sets the default vertical overflow.

      This method has no effect on FRAMESETs.

      overflow - See RenderState.
    • createlocalPanel

      public static HtmlPanel createlocalPanel(URLConnection connection, HtmlPanel panel, HtmlRendererContext rendererContext, HtmlRendererConfig config, String uri) throws Exception
    • setDocument

      public void setDocument(Document node, HtmlRendererContext rcontext)
      Sets an HTML DOM node and invalidates the component so it is rendered as soon as possible in the GUI thread.

      If this method is called from a thread that is not the GUI dispatch thread, the document is scheduled to be set later. Note that preferred size calculations should be done in the GUI dispatch thread for this reason.

      node - This should normally be a Document instance obtained with DocumentBuilderImpl.

      rcontext - A renderer context.
      See Also:
    • setPreferredWidth

      public void setPreferredWidth(int width)
      Sets a preferred width that serves as a hint in calculating the preferred size of the HtmlPanel. Note that the preferred size can only be calculated when a document is available, and it will vary during incremental rendering.

      This method currently does not have any effect when the document is a FRAMESET.

      Note also that setting the preferred width (to a value other than -1) will negatively impact performance.

      width - The preferred width, or -1 to unset.