Interface DOMPoint

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DOMPoint extends DOMPointReadOnly
A DOMPoint object represents a 2D or 3D point in a coordinate system; it includes values for the coordinates in up to three dimensions, as well as an optional perspective value. DOMPoint is based on DOMPointReadOnly but allows its properties' values to be changed.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The static DOMPointReadOnly method fromPoint() creates and returns a new DOMPointReadOnly object given a source point.
    The static DOMPointReadOnly method fromPoint() creates and returns a new DOMPointReadOnly object given a source point.
    The DOMPoint interface's w property holds the point's perspective value, w, for a point in space.
    The DOMPoint interface's x property holds the horizontal coordinate, x, for a point in space.
    The DOMPoint interface's y property holds the vertical coordinate, y, for a point in space.
    The DOMPoint interface's z property specifies the depth coordinate of a point in space.

    Methods inherited from interface org.loboevolution.html.dom.DOMPointReadOnly

    matrixTransform, matrixTransform, toJSON