Interface Constructable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrowFunction, BaseFunction, BoundFunction, Delegator, FunctionObject, IdFunctionObject, IdFunctionObjectES6, JavaConstructorObject, JavaFunctionObject, LambdaConstructor, LambdaFunction, NativeContinuation, NativeFunction, NativeJavaClass, NativeJavaConstructor, NativeJavaMethod, NativeJavaTopPackage, Require, Synchronizer

public interface Constructable
An interface that can be used to implement a constructor function as a lambda.
  • Method Details

    • construct

      Scriptable construct(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object[] args)
      Call the function as a constructor.

      This method is invoked by the runtime in order to satisfy a use of the JavaScript new operator. This method is expected to create a new object and return it.

      cx - the current Context for this thread
      scope - an enclosing scope of the caller except when the function is called from a closure.
      args - the array of arguments
      the allocated object