Class LambdaConstructor

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Callable, ConstProperties, Constructable, DebuggableObject, Function, IdFunctionCall, Scriptable, SymbolScriptable

public class LambdaConstructor extends LambdaFunction
This class implements a JavaScript function that may be used as a constructor by delegating to an interface that can be easily implemented as a lambda. The LambdaFunction class may be used to add functions to the prototype that are also implemented as lambdas.

In micro benchmarks (as of 2021) using this class to implement a built-in class is about 15% more efficient than using IdScriptableObject, and about 25% faster than using reflection via the ScriptableObject.defineClass() family of methods. Furthermore, it results in code that more directly maps to JavaScript idioms than either methods, it is much easier to implement than IdScriptableObject, and the lambda pattern makes it easier to maintain state in various ways that don't always map directly to the existing concepts.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION
      If this flag is set, the constructor may be invoked as an ordinary function
      See Also:

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR_NEW
      If this flag is set, the constructor may be invoked using "new"
      See Also:

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR_DEFAULT
      By default, the constructor may be invoked either way
      See Also:
    • targetConstructor

      protected final transient Constructable targetConstructor
  • Constructor Details

    • LambdaConstructor

      public LambdaConstructor(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Constructable target)
      Create a new function that may be used as a constructor. The new object will have the Function prototype and no parent. The caller is responsible for binding this object to the appropriate scope. The new constructor function can be invoked using "new" or by calling it directly, and in either case will result in a new object being returned and wired to the correct prototype and scope.
      scope - scope of the calling context
      name - name of the function
      length - the arity of the function
      target - an object that implements the function in Java. Since Constructable is a single-function interface this will typically be implemented as a lambda.
    • LambdaConstructor

      public LambdaConstructor(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, int flags, Constructable target)
      Create a new function that may be used as a constructor. The new object will have the Function prototype and no parent. The caller is responsible for binding this object to the appropriate scope. The "flags" argument controls whether the function may be invoked using "new," via a direct call, or both. If allowed by the flags, then the constructor will have the same effect either way. If not allowed by the flags, then a TypeError will be thrown.
      scope - scope of the calling context
      name - name of the function
      length - the arity of the function
      flags - which may be a combination of CONSTRUCTOR_NEW and CONSTRUCTOR_FUNCTION
      target - an object that implements the function in Java. Since Constructable is a single-function interface this will typically be implemented as a lambda.
    • LambdaConstructor

      public LambdaConstructor(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Callable target, Constructable targetConstructor)
      Create a new function that may be used as a constructor. The new object will have the Function prototype and no parent. The caller is responsible for binding this object to the appropriate scope. The new constructor function will have different behavior depending on whether it is invoked via "new" or via a direct call. In the case of "new", a new object with a prototype and scope chain be returned, but in the case of a direct call, the user must implement whatever they need. This is typically used in the case of functions like the native Date constructor, which has totally different behavior depending on how it's invoked.
      scope - scope of the calling context
      name - name of the function
      length - the arity of the function
      target - an object that implements the function in Java. Since Constructable is a single-function interface this will typically be implemented as a lambda.
  • Method Details

    • call

      public Object call(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args)
      Description copied from class: BaseFunction
      Should be overridden.
      Specified by:
      call in interface Callable
      Specified by:
      call in interface Function
      call in class LambdaFunction
      cx - the current Context for this thread
      scope - the scope to execute the function relative to. This is set to the value returned by getParentScope() except when the function is called from a closure.
      thisObj - the JavaScript this object
      args - the array of arguments
      the result of the call
    • construct

      public Scriptable construct(Context cx, Scriptable scope, Object[] args)
      Description copied from interface: Function
      Call the function as a constructor.

      This method is invoked by the runtime in order to satisfy a use of the JavaScript new operator. This method is expected to create a new object and return it.

      Specified by:
      construct in interface Constructable
      Specified by:
      construct in interface Function
      construct in class LambdaFunction
      cx - the current Context for this thread
      scope - an enclosing scope of the caller except when the function is called from a closure.
      args - the array of arguments
      the allocated object
    • definePrototypeMethod

      public void definePrototypeMethod(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Callable target)
      Define a function property on the prototype of the constructor using a LambdaFunction under the covers.
    • definePrototypeMethod

      public void definePrototypeMethod(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Callable target, int attributes, int propertyAttributes)
      Define a function property on the prototype of the constructor using a LambdaFunction under the covers.
    • definePrototypeMethod

      public void definePrototypeMethod(Scriptable scope, SymbolKey name, int length, Callable target, int attributes, int propertyAttributes)
      Define a function property on the prototype of the constructor using a LambdaFunction under the covers.
    • definePrototypeProperty

      public void definePrototypeProperty(String name, Object value, int attributes)
      Define a property that may be of any type on the prototype of this constructor.
    • definePrototypeProperty

      public void definePrototypeProperty(Symbol key, Object value, int attributes)
    • definePrototypeProperty

      public void definePrototypeProperty(Context cx, String name, Function<Scriptable,Object> getter, int attributes)
      Define a property on the prototype using a function. The function will be wired to a JavaScript function, so the resulting property will look just like one that was defined using "Object.defineOwnProperty" with a property descriptor.
    • definePrototypeProperty

      public void definePrototypeProperty(Context cx, String name, Function<Scriptable,Object> getter, BiConsumer<Scriptable,Object> setter, int attributes)
      Define a property on the prototype using functions for getter and setter. The function will be wired to a JavaScript function, so the resulting property will look just like one that was defined using "Object.defineOwnProperty" with a property descriptor.
    • defineConstructorMethod

      public void defineConstructorMethod(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Callable target, int attributes)
      Define a function property directly on the constructor that is implemented under the covers by a LambdaFunction.
      name - the key to use to look up the new function property, and also the value to return for the "name" property of the Function object
      length - the value to return for the "length" property of the Function object
      target - the target to call when the method is invoked
      attributes - the attributes to set on the new property
    • defineConstructorMethod

      public void defineConstructorMethod(Scriptable scope, Symbol key, String name, int length, Callable target, int attributes)
      Define a function property directly on the constructor that is implemented under the covers by a LambdaFunction.
      key - the Symbol to use to look up the property
      name - the value to return for the "name" property of the Function object
      length - the value to return for the "length" property of the Function object
      target - the target to call when the method is invoked
      attributes - the attributes to set on the new property
    • defineConstructorMethod

      public void defineConstructorMethod(Scriptable scope, String name, int length, Callable target, int attributes, int propertyAttributes)
      Define a function property directly on the constructor that is implemented under the covers by a LambdaFunction, and override the properties of its "name", "length", and "arity" properties.
    • convertThisObject

      public static <T> T convertThisObject(Scriptable thisObj, Class<T> targetClass)
      A convenience method to convert JavaScript's "this" object into a target class and throw a TypeError if it does not match. This is useful for implementing lambda functions, as "this" in JavaScript doesn't necessarily map to an instance of the class.