Class SwitchCase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<AstNode>, Iterable<Node>

public class SwitchCase extends AstNode
Switch-case AST node type. The switch case is always part of a switch statement. Node type is Token.CASE.
CaseBlock :
        { [CaseClauses] }
        { [CaseClauses] DefaultClause [CaseClauses] }
 CaseClauses :
        CaseClauses CaseClause
 CaseClause :
        case Expression : [StatementList]
 DefaultClause :
        default : [StatementList]
  • Constructor Details

    • SwitchCase

      public SwitchCase()
    • SwitchCase

      public SwitchCase(int pos)
    • SwitchCase

      public SwitchCase(int pos, int len)
  • Method Details

    • getExpression

      public AstNode getExpression()
      Returns the case expression, null for default case
    • setExpression

      public void setExpression(AstNode expression)
      Sets the case expression, null for default case. Note that for empty fall-through cases, they still have a case expression. In case 0: case 1: break; the first case has an expression that is a NumberLiteral with value 0.
    • isDefault

      public boolean isDefault()
      Return true if this is a default case.
      true if getExpression() would return null
    • getStatements

      public List<AstNode> getStatements()
      Returns statement list, which may be null.
    • setStatements

      public void setStatements(List<AstNode> statements)
      Sets statement list. May be null. Replaces any existing statements. Each element in the list has its parent set to this node.
    • addStatement

      public void addStatement(AstNode statement)
      Adds a statement to the end of the statement list. Sets the parent of the new statement to this node, updates its start offset to be relative to this node, and sets the length of this node to include the new child.
      statement - a child statement
      IllegalArgumentException - } if statement is null
    • toSource

      public String toSource(int depth)
      Description copied from class: AstNode
      Emits source code for this node. Callee is responsible for calling this function recursively on children, incrementing indent as appropriate.

      Note: if the parser was in error-recovery mode, some AST nodes may have null children that are expected to be non-null when no errors are present. In this situation, the behavior of the toSource method is undefined: toSource implementations may assume that the AST node is error-free, since it is intended to be invoked only at runtime after a successful parse.

      Specified by:
      toSource in class AstNode
      depth - the current recursion depth, typically beginning at 0 when called on the root node.
    • visit

      public void visit(NodeVisitor v)
      Visits this node, then the case expression if present, then each statement (if any are specified).
      Specified by:
      visit in class AstNode
      v - the object to call with this node and its children