Package org.mozilla.javascript.ast
package org.mozilla.javascript.ast
ClassDescriptionAST node for a JavaScript 1.7 Array comprehension.AST node for a single 'for (foo in bar)' loop construct in a JavaScript 1.7 Array comprehension.AST node for an Array literal.AST node representing the set of assignment operators such as
.Base class for AST node types.Node for the root of a parse tree.AST node for a BigInt literal.A block statement delimited by curly braces.A break statement.Node representing a catch-clause of a try-statement.Node representing comments.AST node for a computed property key, i.e. `[ Expression ]` in an object literal.AST node representing the ternary operator.A continue statement.Common interface forArrayLiteral
node types, both of which may appear in "destructuring" expressions or contexts.Do statement.AST node for an indexed property reference, such asfoo['bar']
.AST node for an empty expression.AST node for an empty statement.An error reporter that gathers the errors and warnings for later display.AST node representing a parse error or a warning.AST node representing an expression in a statement context.For-in or for-each-in or for-of statement.C-style for-loop statement.AST node for a function call.A JavaScript function declaration or expression.This is interface defines a protocol for the reporting of errors during JavaScript translation in IDE-mode.If-else statement.AST node representing an infix (binary operator) expression.Used for code generation.AST node for keyword literals: currently,this
, anddebugger
.AST node representing a label.A labeled statement.AST node for let statements and expressions.Abstract base type for loops.AST node for a simple name.New expression.Simple visitor interface for traversing the AST.AST node for a Number literal.AST node for an Object literal (also called an Object initializer in Ecma-262).AST node for a single name:value entry in an Object literal.AST node for a parenthesized expression.Encapsulates information for a JavaScript parse error or warning.AST node for the '.' operator.AST node for a RegExp literal.Return statement.Represents a scope in the lexical scope chain.Base type forAstRoot
nodes, which need to collect much of the same information.AST node for a single- or double-quoted string literal.Switch-case AST node type.Switch statement AST node type.Represents a symbol-table entry.AST node for a Tagged Template Literal.AST node for Template Literal Characters.AST node for a Template literal.Throw statement.Try/catch/finally statement.AST node representing unary operators such astypeof
.AST node representing update operators such as++
.A list of one or more var, const or let declarations.A variable declaration or initializer, part of aVariableDeclaration
expression.While statement.With statement.AST node representing an E4Xfoo.(bar)
query expression.AST node for an E4X XML[expr]
member-ref expression.AST node for an embedded JavaScript expression within an E4X XML literal.Abstract base type for components that comprise anXmlLiteral
object.AST node for an E4X (Ecma-357) embedded XML literal.AST node for E4X ".@" and ".." expressions, such
, andfoo..@ns::*
.AST node for an E4X XML[expr]
property-ref expression.Base class for E4X XML attribute-access or property-get expressions.AST node for an XML-text-only component of an XML literal expression.AST node for JavaScript 1.7yield
expression or statement.