Class NativeTypedArrayView<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, List<T>, RandomAccess, SequencedCollection<T>, ConstProperties, DebuggableObject, ExternalArrayData, Scriptable, SymbolScriptable
Direct Known Subclasses:
NativeFloat32Array, NativeFloat64Array, NativeInt16Array, NativeInt32Array, NativeInt8Array, NativeUint16Array, NativeUint32Array, NativeUint8Array, NativeUint8ClampedArray

public abstract class NativeTypedArrayView<T> extends NativeArrayBufferView implements List<T>, RandomAccess, ExternalArrayData
This class is the abstract parent for all of the various typed arrays. Each one shows a view of a specific NativeArrayBuffer, and modifications here will affect the rest.
See Also: